Tuesday 28 September 2010

Where to start?

I have been receiving a host of email correspondence from people wanting to embrace the 100 Item Challenge but unsure of where to start.  So here goes a easy step process
  • First, take inventory.  You have to do this if you don’t, then you won't know how much to keep.
  • Next, mark the must-keep stuff. There are certain things you know you’re going to keep. Your autographed Noel Edmonds picture. Your ipod. Mark those with a star, count how many those are, to see how many you have left.
  • Then, the borderline stuff. What is stuff you might want to keep, but you’re not sure yet? Mark them with a circle or something, and see where your count is. If you’re over 100, you have some cutting to do. Cut until you get down to 100.
  • Get rid of the rest. Everything you’re not going to keep, you should get rid of. You have some options: donate it to charity; find someone who wants it; list it on Freecycle; throw it away; sell it on eBay or a car boot sale. You could end up making some good cash on this. However you do it, get rid of it.
  • Decide how to count things. It’s really up to you. Do you count books individually? Probably not — count them as one collection. How about a computer system? Your ipod and assorted gear? A good rule-of-thumb you might use: if everything goes in one case, count it as one item. If it’s all separate, count it as multiple items.
So that is a bit of a start for you all.  Keep us posted with your progress.

1 comment:

  1. Good post! Hey, if it all fits in one van, can we count it as one item? :) You know, I think I will take an inventory and count based on your guide. I bet we are close to that 100 item goal, at least I don't think we can be too far off it. Excellent that people are following your lead! Simplifying life is so rewarding!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"
